Eva Best

Hammarby Sjöstad is situated in Stockholm.
During early 2000 Hammarby Sjöstad went through a major expansion and transformation. Today it is an eco-friendly part of Stockholm.

In early 2000 I got a public commision to give two of the houses a stronger identity through the use of colour and material.
Because large parts of the building was built in glass I wanted the front of the house to be a compliment to the back of the house.
I wanted to achieve an interplay between the two parts.

I therefor chose transparent materials like paper, perforated paper and lightfilters to maintain the semitransparent quality that I wanted to achieve.

Architect: Pietro Raffone
Developer: JM AB

  • Image Laminated glass from Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm

    Hammarby Sjöstad 2001, Stockholm

  • Image Laminated glass from Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm

    Hammarby Sjöstad 2001, Stockholm

    Technique: Handprinted and painted paper combine with lightfilter laminated in glass.

  • Image Laminated glass from Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm

    Hammarby Sjöstad 2001, Stockholm


    Handpainted and printed paper in combination with lightfilter laminated in glass.

  • Image Laminated glass from Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm

    Hammarby Sjöstad 2001, Stockholm

  • Image Laminated glass from Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm

    Hammarby Sjöstad 2001, Stockholm

  • Image Laminated glass from Herrgårdsskolan, Gothenburg

    Herrgårdsskolan (Lindholmen) 2008, Gothenburg
    Handprinted textile laminated in glass.
    Photo: Jan Berg

  • Image Laminated glass from Herrgårdsskolan, Gothenburg

    Herrgårdskolan Lindholmen 2008, Gothenburg
    Photo: Jan Berg

  • Image Laminated glass from Herrgårdsskolan, Gothenburg

    Herrgårdskolan Lindholmen 2008, Gothenburg

    Lighter areas appear during dusk and dawn.
    Photo: Jan Berg

Image Portfolio Eva Best